Custom distributions can be specified in
and defDataAdd
by setting the argument
dist to “custom”. When defining a custom distribution, you
provide the name of the user-defined function as a string in the
formula argument. The arguments of the custom function are
listed in the variance argument, separated by commas and
formatted as “arg_1 = val_form_1, arg_2 = val_form_2, …, arg_K = val_form_K”.
Here, the arg_k’s represent the names of the arguments
passed to the customized function, where k ranges from 1 to K. You can use values or formulas
for each val_form_k. If formulas are used, ensure that the
variables have been previously generated. Double dot notation is
available in specifying value_formula_k. One important
requirement of the custom function is that the parameter list used to
define the function must include an argument”n = n”,
but do not include n in the
definition as part of defData
Here is an example where we would like to generate data from a
zero-inflated beta distribution. In this case, there is a user-defined
function zeroBeta
that takes on shape parameters a and b, as well as p0, the proportion of the
sample that is zero. Note that the function also takes an argument n that will not to be be specified
in the data definition; n will
represent the number of observations being generated:
zeroBeta <- function(n, a, b, p0) {
betas <- rbeta(n, a, b) <- rbinom(n, 1, p0)
The data definition specifies a new variable zb that sets a and b to 0.75, and p0 = 0.02:
def <- defData(
varname = "zb",
formula = "zeroBeta",
variance = "a = 0.75, b = 0.75, p0 = 0.02",
dist = "custom"
The data are generated:
## Key: <id>
## id zb
## <int> <num>
## 1: 1 0.93922887
## 2: 2 0.35609519
## 3: 3 0.08087245
## 4: 4 0.99796758
## 5: 5 0.28481522
## ---
## 99996: 99996 0.81740836
## 99997: 99997 0.98586333
## 99998: 99998 0.68770216
## 99999: 99999 0.45096868
## 100000: 100000 0.74101272
A plot of the data reveals dis-proportion of zero’s:
In this second example, we are generating sets of truncated Gaussian
distributions with means ranging from −1 to 1. The
limits of the truncation vary across three different groups.
is a customized (user-defined) function that
generates the truncated Gaussiandata. The function requires four
arguments (the left truncation value, the right truncation value, the
distribution average and the standard deviation).
rnormt <- function(n, min, max, mu, s) {
F.a <- pnorm(min, mean = mu, sd = s)
F.b <- pnorm(max, mean = mu, sd = s)
u <- runif(n, min = F.a, max = F.b)
qnorm(u, mean = mu, sd = s)
In this example, truncation limits vary based on group membership. Initially, three groups are created, followed by the generation of truncated values. For Group 1, truncation occurs within the range of −1 to 1, for Group 2, it’s −2 to 2 and for Group 3, it’s −3 to 3. We’ll generate three data sets, each with a distinct mean denoted by M, using the double-dot notation to implement these different means.
def <-
varname = "limit",
formula = "1/4;1/2;1/4",
dist = "categorical"
) |>
varname = "tn",
formula = "rnormt",
variance = "min = -limit, max = limit, mu = ..M, s = 1.5",
dist = "custom"
The data generation requires three calls to genData
. The
output is a list of three data sets:
Here are the first six observations from each of the three data sets:
## [[1]]
## Key: <id>
## id limit tn
## <int> <int> <num>
## 1: 1 2 0.6949619
## 2: 2 2 -0.3641963
## 3: 3 2 -0.4721632
## 4: 4 3 -2.6083796
## 5: 5 2 -0.6800441
## 6: 6 3 -0.5813880
## [[2]]
## Key: <id>
## id limit tn
## <int> <int> <num>
## 1: 1 1 0.4853614
## 2: 2 2 -0.5690811
## 3: 3 2 0.5282246
## 4: 4 2 0.1107778
## 5: 5 2 -0.3504309
## 6: 6 2 1.9439890
## [[3]]
## Key: <id>
## id limit tn
## <int> <int> <num>
## 1: 1 2 1.3560628
## 2: 2 2 1.4543616
## 3: 3 3 1.4491010
## 4: 4 2 0.7328855
## 5: 5 2 -0.1254556
## 6: 6 2 -0.7455908
A plot highlights the group differences.